You wonder how to reduce weight from stomach and hips? In this article, we will describe the specifics of weight loss in these areas, as well as provide some useful recommendations for losing weight.
Before you start losing weight, you need to understand how the metabolism in your body works. The first thing you have to do is revise your food plan. Some people dive headlong into workouts and this is their main mistake. The muscles are pumped but the fat still covers the stomach. As for the hips, things are even worse here (especially when it comes to women) – intense physical load applied to the legs and hips can turn the once-slender woman into a chunky jock, although the original goal was to build a body like Victoria’s Secret models. It is very important to understand how the fat started to gather initially – this will help not only lose weight in your tummy but also keep it from accumulating again afterward.
Generally speaking, in order to drive away fat in your stomach and hips, special exercises to lose fat aimed specifically at burning it are needed. Also, note that the splitting of fat is also affected beneficially by the sufficient intake of oxygen. Therefore, in order to get an even, relief belly, one should also perform breathing exercises. A special case of such gymnastics is the well-known exercise to reduce belly and hips called “vacuum”, in which the stomach is drawn as far as possible and fixed in such the position for 30 seconds or more, 2-4 approaches daily depending on the state of health of the person who performs it. Another activity helpful in accelerating the discharge of weight around hips and stomach is the diaphragm breathing (many Hollywood celebrities practice this kind of exercise). As an alternative or additional method of breathing practices, some fitness gurus recommend wearing special sports corsets. They help to form a narrow waist and lose centimeters in the abdomen but in order to maintain the result, it is necessary to wear such a bodice regularly and even train in it.
The best way to lose weight from stomach and hips is to revise all aspects of your daily life: diet, exercise, and regime overall. Only in this case, you will be able to achieve maximum results in the shortest time possible.
Those who are hopelessly despaired, often resort to radical methods, liposuction for example. Liposuction is a surgery to remove fatty deposits that is performed under general anesthesia. While extracting the fat from the problem area, surgeons can also remove the excess sagging skin. Nevertheless, liposuction is a surgical operation, it has an array of contraindications and lengthy recovery period. Therefore, before resorting to such a serious method of losing weight, maybe you should just work on yourself more actively.
As an alternative fastest way to slim waist and hips, an injectable lipolitics can be used. They are based, as a rule, on phosphatidylcholine and include a number of additional ingredients that stimulate the conversion of fatty deposits into ordinary liquid (for example, silicone, artichoke extract or L-carnitine), which are naturally removed from the organism. In a number of countries, lipolytic cocktails are prohibited from free sale, because they require a close and qualified medical attention during the introduction.
When planning a diet to dump fat, it is necessary to understand that simple carbohydrates with a high glycemic index cause a sharp increase in blood glucose levels. In terms of biochemical processes, high glucose levels can cause irreversible changes to the cerebral cortex processes. It is for this reason that the body will make every effort to reduce this level, depositing the unused energy into body fat.
The hormone produced in the adrenal glands – insulin – is involved in the glucose utilization. It allows the cells of the body to receive and store energy. Unfortunately, the fat in the lower abdomen, on the sides, and on the buttocks, responds most strongly to an increase in insulin levels and immediately absorbs extra calories.
Therefore, if you want to get rid of fat, start by replacing food based on simple carbohydrates (sweets, white bread, milk, carbonated sugary drinks, fruits) with complex ones (buckwheat, oatmeal, legumes (except soy)).
When you start planning a food regimen aimed at losing weight in the abdomen and thighs, it is important to remember that in these areas two types of fat can accumulate at once, each reacting to nutrition differently.
Particularly dangerous for the human body is the visceral fat, which grows around internal organs. To diminish or even completely stop its accumulation, the first thing you have to do is to reduce your caloric intake by 20% at least. Visceral fat is the scourge of obese people. If the situation with excess weight is not so critical in your case, then most likely we are talking about the common subcutaneous fat. To help burning it, you just have to stop eating fast carbohydrates and saturated fats, and also control the glycemic index of the food you consume.
As we already mentioned, there are two different types of fat in the human body, each requiring a specific weight loss strategy. Let us figure which activities help in fighting every kind best.
So, if we are talking about retroperitoneal (visceral) fat, the most effective exercise to eliminate it will be the prolonged cardio training in the fat-burning pulse zone. This is explained by the fact that this type of fat responds strongly to an increase in adrenaline (but it almost does not react to insulin). Therefore, you will achieve much greater results by physical exercises over high heart rates than by exhausting diets.
Conversely, to get rid of subcutaneous fat, it makes sense to combine a diet with low glycemic index foods and regular cardio with light strength exercises performed in a circular fashion.
Finally, if we are talking about fat on the thighs – the most difficult to remove, the growth of which is influenced not only by food and lifestyle but also by the hormonal background of a person – in this case, high-intensity interval workouts or cardio while hungry would be the most suitable. And, of course, in addition to practicing the exercise for belly and hips, do not forget about proper nutrition.
Want to lose weight in your stomach fast, doing almost nothing? Then, probably, you already have heard about diet pills. In the late 1990s, they came to be considered an alternative to traditional sports activities and low-calorie diets. Nevertheless, such drugs can provide sustainable results only in combination with intense physical exertion and a complete revision of your current diet.
And now let us review what kinds of weight loss pills are there and what are the principles of their action:
Note again, that diet pills alone are not the best way to lose weight off your stomach and hips but an additional measure to get faster results from workouts and proper nutrition. Therefore – plan a low-carb diet and visit the gym regularly!
So, how to lose stomach and hip fat? If we summarize the above, in order to lose weight in these areas, it is enough to start practicing interval fasting or a cyclic low-carb diet (on certain days of the week carbohydrates are limited to 50-60 grams per day). If you supplement such a diet with intense cardio exercises and high-intensity interval training, the effect will manifest rapidly. Again, exercising is best done on an empty stomach, early in the morning.
Such an approach to losing weight, in fact, is the best way to lose hip fat. It gradually alters the mechanism of hormone production in your body and increases the immunity of abdominal fat to the insulin variation. This way you train your body to work in conditions of energy deficit, without storing excesses to fat deposits in problem areas.
Let us sum up our research on the topic of how to lose belly and hip fat. As you can see, it is not necessary to go to extremes and undergo surgery or start taking chems. In 9 out of 10 cases, you just need to tune in to the fact that the result will not be obtained immediately and completely change your lifestyle. Get plenty of sleep (lack of sleep affects the metabolism), eat healthy products instead of foods with high trans-fats and sugar content, and finally, do not forget about exercise. In this case, you will get a stable lasting result.